{"id":118,"publishedAt":"2017-12-04","rubric":"Science","rubricId":1,"university":"ITMO University","universityId":1,"keywords":[],"title":"ITMO’s Topological Insulators Research Among 2017’s Top Achievements in Photonics","lead":"\"Optics and Photonics News\" journal has recognised a recent study on three-dimensional topological insulators as one of the year’s most promising advances in photonics. These structures are capable of controlling light without any losses caused by absorption and defects of material, showing great potential for application in communication networks, antennas and optical computers.","sourceLink":"http:\/\/news.ifmo.ru\/en\/science\/photonics\/news\/7126\/","content":"<p>Topological insulators are unique in that they conduct electric current only along the surface while remaining insulated inside. A peculiar protected state is formed on the surface in which electrons in the current are impervious to any external effects or material defects. The current thus runs through the material in one direction without reflection or loss.<\/p>\n\n<p>Although scientists have been studying electrical topological insulators for several decades now, similar structures for electromagnetic waves were described only in 2009. The first such prototype was quite bulky, with limited application in optical frequency range. The situation changed in 2015 when physicists from the <a href=\"https:\/\/metalab.ifmo.ru\/\" target=\"_blank\">Laboratory for Nanophotonics and Metamaterials of ITMO University<\/a> and the Australian National University became the first to design and build a compact electromagnetic topological insulator. The structure provided full and unprecedented control over light localisation at the nanoscale.<\/p>\n\n<p><img src=\"http:\/\/news.ifmo.ru\/images\/news\/big\/712605.jpg\" style=\"width:100%\" \/><\/p>\n\n<blockquote>\n<p>"<em>Our study began with a one-dimensional structure. Basically, this was a chain of nanodisks where the electromagnetic field was localized at a particular edge,” – <\/em>says <a href=\"https:\/\/metalab.ifmo.ru\/people\/~slobozhanyuk\" target=\"_blank\">Dr. Alexey Slobozhanyuk<\/a>, member of the Laboratory of Nanophotonics and Metamaterials. – “<em>My colleague <\/em><a href=\"https:\/\/metalab.ifmo.ru\/people\/~poddubny\" target=\"_blank\"><em>Alexander Poddubny<\/em><\/a><em> proposed a theoretical concept and together with <\/em><a href=\"https:\/\/metalab.ifmo.ru\/people\/~sinev\" target=\"_blank\"><em>Ivan Sinev<\/em><\/a><em> and <\/em><a href=\"https:\/\/metalab.ifmo.ru\/people\/~asamusev\" target=\"_blank\"><em>Anton Samusev<\/em><\/a><em> we performed experiments for both microwaves and optics. Our research from 2015 was highlighted in <\/em><a href=\"http:\/\/news.ifmo.ru\/ru\/science\/photonics\/news\/5437\/\" target=\"_blank\"><em>Optics and Photonic News<\/em><\/a><em>; back then, this topic was quite new and no one had even thought about three-dimensional photonic topological insulators. Global recognition of our work encouraged us to go forward with our research in this<\/em> <em>field."<\/em><\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n\n<p>Next, the scientists got involved in the development of two-dimensional topological insulators. Professor Alexander Khanikaev from the City University of New York suggested how it could be done theoretically. This idea was implemented in 2016 when an <a href=\"https:\/\/www.nature.com\/articles\/srep22270\" target=\"_blank\">article<\/a>about the first experimental two-dimensional photonic insulator was published. This experiment was performed with metallic metamaterials.<\/p>\n\n<p><img src=\"http:\/\/news.ifmo.ru\/images\/news\/big\/712601.jpg\" style=\"width:100%\" \/><br \/>\n<small>Alexey Slobozhanyuk<\/small><\/p>\n\n<blockquote>\n<p><em>"The signal in such a structure is localized on an artificially created domain wall which guides the light around sharp corners even in the presence of defects. However, that concept could not be used for optics due to strong absorption in metals,” –<\/em> adds Alexey Slobozhanyuk. – “<em>We started to consider dielectric metamaterials to avoid losses, and later performed our first<\/em><a href=\"https:\/\/arxiv.org\/abs\/1705.07841\" target=\"_blank\"> <em>successful experiment<\/em><\/a><em>with them<\/em>."<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n\n<p>While working on two-dimensional structures, researchers discovered that topological protection of electromagnetic waves is also possible in the three dimensions. Detailed <a href=\"http:\/\/news.ifmo.ru\/ru\/science\/photonics\/news\/6758\/\" target=\"_blank\">theoretical research<\/a> published in <a href=\"https:\/\/www.nature.com\/articles\/nphoton.2016.253\" target=\"_blank\">Nature Photonics<\/a> this year confirmed the existence of three-dimensional topological insulators.<\/p>\n\n<blockquote>\n<p><em>"Using three-dimensional photonic topological insulators we can make light waves behave in ways that were thought to be technically impossible”, – <\/em>says Prof. Alexander Khanikaev. – “<em>Currently, we cannot design an optical waveguide without surface defects. As a result, the signal gradually decreases and finally vanishes. With the help of topological systems we are able to avoid any optical losses."<\/em><\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n\n<p><img src=\"http:\/\/news.ifmo.ru\/images\/news\/big\/712602.jpg\" style=\"width:100%\" \/><br \/>\n<small>Alexander Khanikaev<\/small><\/p>\n\n<p>The team has already started experiments with three-dimensional insulators and development of the devices based on them.<\/p>\n\n<blockquote>\n<p><em>"It is much more difficult to conduct experiments with a three-dimensional structure, but Alexey Slobozhanyuk and his colleagues from ITMO University are working hard on this. Alexey is preparing to finish his PhD in Australia now and then he is going to return to ITMO University in order to establish and develop a new research field<\/em>,” – says Yuri Kivshar, Research Director of the International Center for Nanophotonics and Metamaterials of ITMO University and Distinguished Professor of the Australian National University.<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n\n<p><img src=\"http:\/\/news.ifmo.ru\/images\/news\/big\/712604.jpg\" style=\"width:100%\" \/><br \/>\n<small>Yuri Kivshar<\/small><\/p>\n\n<p><em>Optics & Photonics News<\/em> highlighted the research on three-dimensional photonic topological insulators in the special December issue <a href=\"https:\/\/www.osa-opn.org\/home\/articles\/volume_28\/december_2017\/extras\/topological_photonics_goes_three-dimensional\/).\" target=\"_blank\">“Optics in 2017”<\/a>. It highlights the 30 most exciting peer-reviewed optics research that has emerged over the past 12 month.<\/p>\n\n<blockquote>\n<p><em>"Optics and Photonic News is very prestigious among scientists. This year the editorial team stressed the importance of our results by placing an image of our three-dimensional photonic topological insulator on the cover of the special issue,<\/em>” – says Alexey Slobozhanyuk. – ”<em>When your work is recognized in such a way, you know how important and useful your efforts are”.<\/em><\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n\n<p><a href=\"https:\/\/www.osa-opn.org\/home\/articles\/volume_28\/december_2017\/extras\/topological_photonics_goes_three-dimensional\/\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>Reference<\/strong><\/a>: <em>«<\/em>Topological Photonics Goes Three-Dimensional<em>», <\/em>Alexey Slobozhanyuk, Yuri S. Kivshar, Alexander B. Khanikaev. <em>Optics and Photonics News <\/em>Dec. 1, 2017 <\/p>","image":"","componentNews":{"news":{"universityNews":[{"id":727,"publishedAt":"2024-02-16","rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"university":"HSE University","universityId":2,"title":"4 new universities joined the Association of Global Universities","lead":"National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Moscow Polytechnic University and N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University became members of the Association from January 1, 2024.","image":"\/uploads\/media\/university\/0001\/02\/thumb_1006_university_big.png"},{"id":724,"publishedAt":"2024-01-05","rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"university":"","universityId":"","title":"Russia and Ghana Expanding Cooperation in Higher Education","lead":"A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Ghana on cooperation in higher education. It envisages the development of joint programs and projects, exchange of experience and information, and joint events.","image":""},{"id":720,"publishedAt":"2023-12-01","rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"university":"HSE University","universityId":2,"title":"Global Universities Association held a discussion platform on attracting foreign youth to Russian science","lead":"On November 28-30, the III Congress of Young Scientists was held, which is the largest platform for the dialog of advanced and fundamental science, state authorities and the real sector of the economy, which sets the main vectors of scientific and technological development of Russia.","image":"\/uploads\/media\/university\/0001\/02\/thumb_1006_university_big.png"},{"id":717,"publishedAt":"2023-11-09","rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"university":"","universityId":"","title":"The Open Doors International Olympiad has been shortlisted for the Znanie Award","lead":"The Znanie Award of the Russian Znanie Society was established to recognize the achievements of educators, teachers, lecturers, authors, bloggers, popularizers of science, as well as to acknowledge educational projects and companies in different areas. In 2023, the award competition is being held for the third time.","image":""},{"id":705,"publishedAt":"2023-10-31","rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"university":"","universityId":"","title":"Russia supports the course of African countries to achieve sovereignty in science and education","lead":"Cooperation between universities and scientific organizations of Russia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique, implementation of joint educational programs, organization of practices and research, as well as the creation of regional hubs of education and science in the field of subsoil use and geology were discussed during the working visit of the delegation of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science to","image":""},{"id":709,"publishedAt":"2023-10-19","rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"university":"Sechenov University","universityId":9,"title":"A course for innovation: Sechenov University summarized the results of the project-analytical session","lead":"A project-analytical session led by the expert group of FGANU \"Sociocenter\" was held at the First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia from October 16 to 18. The session presented the results of implementation of the Sechenov University Development Program for 2021-2023 and participation in the strategic academic leadership program \"Priority 2030\". The session partic","image":"\/uploads\/media\/university\/0001\/01\/thumb_237_university_big.png"},{"id":708,"publishedAt":"2023-10-15","rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"university":"FEFU","universityId":16,"title":"FEFU and Primorye companies clarified the university's target model","lead":"The target model of the university was discussed by employees of Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), the university's industrial partners and representatives of the regional government as part of a design and analysis session under the Priority 2030 program. The participants of the event were divided into five teams and presented a comprehensive view of the model of the university's future and","image":"\/uploads\/media\/university\/0001\/01\/thumb_255_university_big.png"},{"id":706,"publishedAt":"2023-09-21","rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"university":"","universityId":"","title":"Russia and Vietnam develop scientific and educational cooperation","lead":"Deputy Head of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science Ayrat Gatiyatov presented a plan of joint activities with Vietnam in the field of science and education. The cooperation was discussed in Hanoi within the framework of the 2nd meeting of the Interparliamentary Commission on Cooperation between the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of","image":""},{"id":707,"publishedAt":"2023-09-15","rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"university":"UNN","universityId":20,"title":"UNN summarized the results of the project analysis session","lead":"On September 25-27, 2023, Lobachevsky National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University held a project-analytical session with the participation of Sociocenter experts. The purpose of the three-day working visit of the experts was to monitor the implementation of the Priority 2030 development program.","image":"\/uploads\/media\/university\/0001\/01\/thumb_263_university_big.png"},{"id":391,"publishedAt":"2018-11-12","rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"university":"HSE University","universityId":2,"title":"The Global Universities Association launched the Open Doors Olympiad: Russian Scholarship Project","lead":"The Global Universities Association in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and Rossotrudnichestvo Federal Agency launched the Open Doors Olympiad: Russian Scholarship Project","image":"\/uploads\/media\/university\/0001\/02\/thumb_1006_university_big.png"},{"id":108,"publishedAt":"2017-11-23","rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"university":"ITMO","universityId":1,"title":"Open Doors Competition Gives International Students Opportunity to Study in Russia","lead":"An intellectual competition for future international Master’s students, the Open Doors: Russian Scholarship Project, is kicking off soon, with registration of participants beginning on Nov. 20, 2017. Winners will get an opportunity to study tuition-free, courtesy of the government of the Russian Federation, at Russia’s leading universities.","image":"\/uploads\/media\/university\/0001\/01\/thumb_213_university_big.png"},{"id":93,"publishedAt":"2017-11-16","rubric":"IT","rubricId":3,"university":"ITMO","universityId":1,"title":"ITMO Robotics Team Gets Gold at World Robot Olympiad 2017","lead":"The World Robot Olympiad (WRO-2017) has just come to a close in Costa Rica. The international competition for talented school and university students involves participants from more than 60 countries. ITMO’s team of school students, led by coach Igor Lositskiy, has won the gold medal in the Open category’s Senior age group.","image":"\/uploads\/media\/university\/0001\/01\/thumb_213_university_big.png"},{"id":91,"publishedAt":"2017-11-16","rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"university":"IKBFU","universityId":10,"title":"Universities are to become drivers of regional development","lead":"On September 21, IKBFU became the venue for the 21st Seminar-Conference of the 5-100 Programme. This is a quarterly forum, which has become a recognized platform for professional interaction in the field of increasing global competitiveness of Russian universities.","image":"\/uploads\/media\/university\/0001\/01\/thumb_239_university_big.png"},{"id":47,"publishedAt":"2017-10-18","rubric":"Science","rubricId":1,"university":"ITMO","universityId":1,"title":"Prime Minister Medvedev Announces Start of ITMO Highpark Construction","lead":"During the “Open Innovations” forum, on October 17, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced the start of construction at ITMO University’s new campus in the south of St. Petersburg – JSC \"ITMO Highpark\".","image":"\/uploads\/media\/university\/0001\/01\/thumb_213_university_big.png"},{"id":44,"publishedAt":"2017-10-18","rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"university":"ITMO","universityId":1,"title":"ITMO Graduates Get Top Salaries","lead":"The Superjob research center published the ranking of Russian universities by the highest salaries their graduates who work in IT get. 20 universities got into the top; ITMO entered the top-3, becoming the only St. Petersburg university to get into the top-5 and shifting the Moscow State University to the 4th position.","image":"\/uploads\/media\/university\/0001\/01\/thumb_213_university_big.png"},{"id":38,"publishedAt":"2017-09-29","rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"university":"ITMO","universityId":1,"title":"ITMO won Silver \"Dolphin\" at the Cannes Corporate Media and TV awards","lead":"Last night in one of the cinema capitals of the world, in Cannes, the annual International festival Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards was held. For each of the last seven years filmmakers, agencies, television channels and even students have been vying for a prize in corporate and documentary films along Côte d'Azur.","image":"\/uploads\/media\/university\/0001\/01\/thumb_213_university_big.png"},{"id":30,"publishedAt":"2017-09-25","rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"university":"HSE University","universityId":2,"title":"Tuition Fee Discounts for Foreign Applicants at HSE campus in St.Petersburg","lead":"The Academic Council of the St Petersburg branch of the Higher School of Economics approved a policy providing for fee discounts for the most talented international applicants entering the university in 2017. Discounts will be based on the total score achieved in entrance examinations.","image":"\/uploads\/media\/university\/0001\/02\/thumb_1006_university_big.png"},{"id":29,"publishedAt":"2017-09-25","rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"university":"SPbPU","universityId":5,"title":"Best friends: University of Stuttgart","lead":"Friends have a special place in our lives. We share similar interests, we grow up together, share our sorrows and joys. Friends will always support you. And among all your friends there are those who we value more than the others. We can even call them brothers or sisters - these are the best friends. The Polytechnic University also has the soul mates - the strategic partners of our university.","image":"\/uploads\/media\/university\/0001\/01\/thumb_221_university_big.png"},{"id":18,"publishedAt":"2017-09-19","rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"university":"HSE University","universityId":2,"title":"HSE Continues to Rise in THE World University Rankings","lead":"In the latest Times Higher Education university rankings, the Higher School of Economics rose to the 351-400 category among 1,102 schools worldwide. This is an improvement on last year, when HSE was in the 401-500 group, with the university ranking fourth among the 27 Russian universities that made it to the ranking.","image":"\/uploads\/media\/university\/0001\/02\/thumb_1006_university_big.png"},{"id":15,"publishedAt":"2017-09-19","rubric":"IT","rubricId":3,"university":"ITMO","universityId":1,"title":"Blockchain for Patenting Intellectual Property: How Will it Work?","lead":"How does one create a blockchain which can protect intellectual property? What’s the point? What are the consequences of changing the system so that new inventions aren’t registered on paper but digitally? The hope is that innovation production, and new high-tech products will be produced faster.","image":"\/uploads\/media\/university\/0001\/01\/thumb_213_university_big.png"},{"id":12,"publishedAt":"2017-09-19","rubric":"Science","rubricId":1,"university":"ITMO","universityId":1,"title":"ITMO University and NSU - New Collaborations for the National Technology Initiative","lead":"ITMO and Novosibirsk State University initiated a collaboration agreement for a period of five years to enhance the development of quantum technologies, innovative entrepreneurship and realization of the National Technology Initiative in Russia's regions.","image":"\/uploads\/media\/university\/0001\/01\/thumb_213_university_big.png"}],"associationNews":[{"id":735,"publishedAt":"2024-09-10","university":"National Research University Higher School of Economics","universityId":2,"rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"title":"Webinar series with the Open Doors organizing universities is starting","lead":"During the webinars we’ll have representatives of our organizing universities introduce their institutions to the Olympiad participants, provide all necessary info and answer questions. The first webinar will be hosted on September 11.","image":"\/uploads\/media\/service\/0001\/01\/thumb_231_service_big.png"},{"id":734,"publishedAt":"2024-09-06","university":"National Research University Higher School of Economics","universityId":2,"rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"title":"Registration for Open Doors Olympiad 2024 is open","lead":"This year, for the first time in the Olympiad’s history, participants can apply not only for master’s and doctoral, but also for two new tracks – bachelor’s and postdoctoral.","image":"\/uploads\/media\/service\/0001\/01\/thumb_231_service_big.png"},{"id":730,"publishedAt":"2024-05-15","university":"National Research University Higher School of Economics","universityId":2,"rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"title":"Russia and Uzbekistan continue to develop scientific and educational co-operation","lead":"The Russian Ministry of Education and Science hosted a meeting on cooperation in science and higher education between Russia and Uzbekistan. The Russian side was represented by Deputy Minister Denis Sekirinsky and the Uzbekistan side by Deputy Minister of Science, Higher Education and Innovations Otabek Mahkamov.","image":"\/uploads\/media\/service\/0001\/01\/thumb_231_service_big.png"},{"id":728,"publishedAt":"2024-02-23","university":"National Research University Higher School of Economics","universityId":2,"rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"title":"MAI and SSMU became co-organizers of the Open Doors Olympiad","lead":"Now participants of the 3rd stage of the postgraduate track can choose their scientific supervisors from Moscow Aviation Institute and Siberian State Medical University.","image":"\/uploads\/media\/service\/0001\/01\/thumb_231_service_big.png"},{"id":726,"publishedAt":"2024-02-08","university":"National Research University Higher School of Economics","universityId":2,"rubric":"Science","rubricId":1,"title":"The Day of Russian Science is celebrated today","lead":"The Day of Russian Science is celebrated on February 8. It is a holiday of academicians, scientists, professors and students who have decided to devote their lives to scientific and research activities.","image":"\/uploads\/media\/service\/0001\/01\/thumb_231_service_big.png"},{"id":723,"publishedAt":"2024-01-15","university":"National Research University Higher School of Economics","universityId":2,"rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"title":"Urbanists of the National Research University Higher School of Economics participated in the Global Mayors Forum in Guangzhou, China","lead":"The team of the Faculty of Urban and Regional Development of the National Research University Higher School of Economics took part in the Global Mayor's Forum, a global event in the field of urban development. The largest congress of urbanists, held in December 2023 in Guangzhou (China), gathered more than 800 guests from 65 cities and 37 countries, as well as 9 international organizations.","image":"\/uploads\/media\/service\/0001\/01\/thumb_231_service_big.png"},{"id":704,"publishedAt":"2023-08-20","university":"","universityId":"","rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"title":"The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) of Shanghai University has been published","lead":"The ranking covers universities from all over the world, including Russian universities.","image":"\/uploads\/media\/service\/0001\/01\/thumb_231_service_big.png"},{"id":703,"publishedAt":"2023-08-05","university":"","universityId":"","rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"title":"Russia and China seek to bring cooperation in science and education to a qualitatively new level","lead":"This was agreed upon by Valery Falkov, Head of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, and Wang Zhigang, Minister of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, during their first face-to-face meeting after a break associated, among other things, with the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting took place within the framework of the annual meeting of the BRICS Ministers of Science, Tec","image":"\/uploads\/media\/service\/0001\/01\/thumb_231_service_big.png"},{"id":702,"publishedAt":"2023-07-01","university":"","universityId":"","rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"title":"The Russian Ministry of Education and Science presented leading projects at the G20 Education Ministers' meeting in India","lead":"The opening of advanced engineering schools, creation of scientific and educational centers and a network of world-class campuses were presented at a face-to-face meeting of ministers in Pune, India. Dmitry Afanasiev, Deputy Head of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, spoke on behalf of the Russian side.","image":"\/uploads\/media\/service\/0001\/01\/thumb_231_service_big.png"},{"id":701,"publishedAt":"2023-06-10","university":"","universityId":"","rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"title":"RAEX-100 rating of the best Russian universities has been published","lead":"RAEX Agency (\"RAEX-Analytics\") has compiled the twelfth annual rating of the best Russian universities RAEX-100, which is a part of the \"Three Missions of the University\" rating family. Statistical indicators were used in the preparation, as well as the results of surveys of over 120 thousand respondents: representatives of academic and scientific circles, students and graduates, employers.","image":"\/uploads\/media\/service\/0001\/01\/thumb_231_service_big.png"},{"id":700,"publishedAt":"2023-05-26","university":"","universityId":"","rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"title":"Rectors of leading EAEU universities signed an agreement on the Consortium of Higher Education Institutions in the field of Eurasian integration","lead":"The agreement was reached on the margins of the EAEU Global University Summit. The Eurasian Consortium of Higher Education Institutions was established for the purpose of:\r\n- joint implementation of educational programs of master's degree training,\r\n- professional development,\r\n- realization of modular courses,\r\n- research and educational activities.","image":"\/uploads\/media\/service\/0001\/01\/thumb_231_service_big.png"},{"id":481,"publishedAt":"2019-11-07","university":"National Research University Higher School of Economics","universityId":2,"rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"title":"Two Project 5-100 universities feature among the world’s 100 best universities Times Higher Education’s subject rankings","lead":"November 6, 2019 Times Higher Education (THE) has released THE World University Rankings by subjects: Business & Economics, Education, Law, and Social Sciences","image":"\/uploads\/media\/service\/0001\/01\/thumb_231_service_big.png"},{"id":432,"publishedAt":"2019-01-25","university":"National Research University Higher School of Economics","universityId":2,"rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"title":"20,000 participants have registered for the Open Doors Olympiad","lead":"More than 20,000 participants from 158 countries have registered for the Open Doors Olympiad","image":"\/uploads\/media\/service\/0001\/01\/thumb_231_service_big.png"},{"id":293,"publishedAt":"2018-04-23","university":"ITMO University","universityId":1,"rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"title":"The most talented foreign students will study in a Master's programs at best Russian universities","lead":"New international Competition (Open Doors: Russian Scholarship Project) for Master's entrants was successfully completed. Winners and prize-winners will enroll in a chosen university without passing entrance exams.","image":"\/uploads\/media\/service\/0001\/01\/thumb_231_service_big.png"},{"id":292,"publishedAt":"2018-04-23","university":"Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University)","universityId":3,"rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"title":"Best Russian universities open their doors to foreign students","lead":"Olympiads for undergraduate and graduate students will open new opportunities for attracting foreign students to Russian universities","image":"\/uploads\/media\/service\/0001\/01\/thumb_231_service_big.png"},{"id":291,"publishedAt":"2018-04-23","university":"National Research University Higher School of Economics","universityId":2,"rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"title":"Legal news in Education: 10 issue of law digest","lead":"The new issue of digest on legal information informs about legislative changes in Education, including law proposals at the stage of public debates and the stage of State Duma discussion","image":"\/uploads\/media\/service\/0001\/01\/thumb_231_service_big.png"},{"id":290,"publishedAt":"2018-04-20","university":"Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin","universityId":17,"rubric":"Science","rubricId":1,"title":"What contributes to scientific productivity? The round table outcomes","lead":"On 12 April a round table «The quality of scientific progress as a factor of university global promotion» took place. The members of the Association of Global Universities together with the event organizers from «Expert» Analytical Centre discussed scientific productivity growth factors","image":"\/uploads\/media\/service\/0001\/01\/thumb_231_service_big.png"},{"id":289,"publishedAt":"2018-04-20","university":"Samara National Research University","universityId":21,"rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"title":"Report on financial plan implementation of the Global Universities Association","lead":"The revision Committee examination did not find shortcomings in the financial plan realization of the Association in 2017","image":"\/uploads\/media\/service\/0001\/01\/thumb_231_service_big.png"},{"id":288,"publishedAt":"2018-04-20","university":"National Research University Higher School of Economics","universityId":2,"rubric":"Science","rubricId":1,"title":"Innovations in the process of academic degrees awarding by universities","lead":"On February 12, the enlarged meeting of the Council of the Association of Global Universities was held, where one of the main discussion topics were procedures of awarding academic degrees by universities themselves","image":"\/uploads\/media\/service\/0001\/01\/thumb_231_service_big.png"},{"id":287,"publishedAt":"2018-04-20","university":"National Research University Higher School of Economics","universityId":2,"rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"title":"News on legal aspects of education: 7 and 8 issues of law digest","lead":"The new digest issues for the period from 01.09.2017 to 20.01.2018 continue to inform universities about the accepted changes in law, and also invites to discuss legislative proposals","image":"\/uploads\/media\/service\/0001\/01\/thumb_231_service_big.png"},{"id":286,"publishedAt":"2018-04-20","university":"National Research University Higher School of Economics","universityId":2,"rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"title":"Legal news in Education: 9 issue of law digest","lead":"The new winter digest on legal information invites to discuss latest problems of education legislation and also informs about last changes in law","image":"\/uploads\/media\/service\/0001\/01\/thumb_231_service_big.png"},{"id":285,"publishedAt":"2018-04-20","university":"Novosibirsk State University","universityId":19,"rubric":"Science","rubricId":1,"title":"New opportunities are opened to young researchers: «Academics Open Doors» project is launched.","lead":"It is the first time in Russia when such a project based on the platform of the Association of Global Universities is launched. The project is aimed at the expansion of research teams and the development of universities research networks.","image":"\/uploads\/media\/service\/0001\/01\/thumb_231_service_big.png"},{"id":284,"publishedAt":"2018-04-20","university":"National Research University Higher School of Economics","universityId":2,"rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"title":"Results of the «I am professional» Student Olympiad","lead":"On 21 February press conference devoted to the major educational contest «I am professional» where 295 thousands students all around Russia took part was held. The winners of the Olympiad will receive not only valuable prizes, but also unique professional opportunities","image":"\/uploads\/media\/service\/0001\/01\/thumb_231_service_big.png"},{"id":95,"publishedAt":"2017-11-16","university":"ITMO University","universityId":1,"rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"title":"Top Five Universities for Tuition-Free Admissions in 2017","lead":"Every year, Higher School of Economics in partnership with Yandex conducts a monitoring of Russian universities that admit students based on their scores on the Unified State Exam and where at least 300 students were admitted to tuition-free places. The survey has been conducted since 2009.","image":"\/uploads\/media\/service\/0001\/01\/thumb_231_service_big.png"},{"id":36,"publishedAt":"2017-09-26","university":"","universityId":"","rubric":"Science","rubricId":1,"title":"Our Universities Demonstrate a Steady Growth in the Webometrics Ranking","lead":"The end of July 2017 saw the publication of another Webometrics Ranking of World Universities by the authoritative Spanish research group Cybermetrics Lab. This international ranking assesses both university websites and the presence of universities themselves in the Internet space by a number of parameters.","image":"\/uploads\/media\/service\/0001\/01\/thumb_231_service_big.png"},{"id":35,"publishedAt":"2017-09-26","university":"","universityId":"","rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"title":"12 Universities of Association Get into THE World University Ranking 2018 Top-1000","lead":"The Times Higher Education today publishes the 14th annual edition of its World University Rankings.\n\nIn Russia, 18 institutions are included in the list of the top 1,000 universities, twelve of which are Russian Academic Excellence Project 5-100 participants completing the ranking table of global universities from 77 countries.","image":"\/uploads\/media\/service\/0001\/01\/thumb_231_service_big.png"},{"id":23,"publishedAt":"2017-09-20","university":"","universityId":"","rubric":"Education","rubricId":4,"title":"19 Universities Get Right To Award Academic Degrees","lead":"Prime Minister Dmitriy Medvedev signed a decree giving several organizations and universities the right to award academic degrees and create their own thesis boards. The corresponding document was published on the government's website on Friday, August 25th. Four scientific organizations and 19 universities were on the list; the decree comes into effect on September 1, 2017.","image":"\/uploads\/media\/service\/0001\/01\/thumb_231_service_big.png"}]},"mobilities":[{"id":358,"type":"Conferences","typeId":5,"university":"HSE University","universityId":2,"date":"28-11-2023","title":"Attracting young foreigners to Russian science: new opportunities and proven practices","url":"https:\/\/конгресс.наука.рф\/program\/"},{"id":357,"type":"Webinar and online broadcasts","typeId":9,"university":"MIPT","universityId":3,"date":"26-10-2023","title":"Webinar for participants of the Open Doors Olympiad with participation of representatives of MISIS and MIPT","url":"https:\/\/vk.com\/away.php?to=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2FaDkLTSbeezg&post=-200019989_1007&cc_key="},{"id":356,"type":"Webinar and online broadcasts","typeId":9,"university":"UrFU","universityId":17,"date":"19-10-2023","title":"Webinar for participants of the Open Doors Olympiad with participation of representatives of UrFU and NSU","url":"https:\/\/vk.com\/away.php?to=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2FUhJnNOl4hIA&post=-200019989_1006&cc_key="},{"id":355,"type":"Webinar and online broadcasts","typeId":9,"university":"TSU","universityId":14,"date":"12-10-2023","title":"Webinar for participants of the Open Doors Olympiad with participation of representatives of TSU and TPU","url":"https:\/\/vk.com\/away.php?to=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2FY1w_XTKOZQ8&post=-200019989_975&cc_key="}]}}